Querying IRRd over GraphQL

IRRd has an HTTP interface which accepts GraphQL queries.

Quick start

GraphQL runs on /graphql. For example, if the IRRd instance is running on rr.example.net, you can find the GraphQL API on:


Opening this in a browser shows the GraphQL playground, which lets you execute queries, like this:

query {
  rpslObjects(asn: [65539, 65540]) {
    mntByObjs {
    ... on RPSLRoute {

This query:

  • Looks for RPSL objects that match either AS65539 or 65540.

  • Retrieves the RPSL primary key, object class and source of all objects found.

  • Retrieves the object text of all maintainers referred by each object.

  • For RPSL route objects, also retrieves the prefix and RPKI status.

As the example shows, GraphQL lets you query individual attributes, which means you don’t have to parse RPSL yourself. You can also directly query related objects. The output of GraphQL is always JSON.

You can use the “copy curl” button to copy a curl command line that runs the same query. For more flexible use, use a dedicated GraphQL client like graphql-cli or a HTTP or GraphQL client library.

The GraphQL playground has partial auto-complete to help you write your query, and syntax validation.

Introduction to GraphQL

  • GraphQL is a query language. Under the hood, queries are sent with an HTTP POST request, where the payload is the query in GraphQL language. This language is inspired by JSON.

  • The response is always JSON data.

  • GraphQL uses a schema that defines exactly which queries and responses exist. The schema can be introspected. All query fields and response fields are defined in this schema, including their types. You can use the schema to learn exactly what queries you can run, and what responses can look like.

  • Typically, you do not write the HTTP payloads yourself, but use a client library. There are several clients listed on the GraphQL website, and the awesome-graphql repository has even more. However, any HTTP library will work.

  • In GraphQL, you always specify exactly which fields you want the API to return. It uses camel case for names, so an RPSL attribute like tech-c will be referred to as techC in the GraphQL API.

Here’s an example IRRd GraphQL query:

query {
  rpslObjects(asn: [65539, 65540]) {

It retrieves all RPSL objects relating to ASN 65539 or 65540, and retrieves their RPSL primary key, object class and source. The response to this is:

  "data": {
    "rpslObjects": [
        "rpslPk": "2001:db8::/38AS65540/ML64",
        "objectClass": "route6",
        "source": "RPKI"

To help you in exploring the GraphQL interface, IRRd includes graphql-playground. This is a web interface that allows you to experiment with GraphQL queries. It features partial auto-completion, though there are some cases where this does not work, and lets you inspect the schema (schema tab on the right).

IRRd queries

IRRd supports a few different queries:

  • databaseStatus to query the database status (similar to !J in whois).

  • rpslObjects to retrieve RPSL objects.

  • asnPrefixes to query prefixes originated by one or more ASNs (similar to !g/!6 in whois).

  • asSetPrefixes to query prefixes that are part of one or more AS sets (similar to !a in whois).

  • recursiveSetMembers to recursively resolve the members of a route or AS set (similar to !i in whois).

Some of the latter queries could also be answered using a rpslObjects query. However, the specific purposes queries are much more efficient, both in query execution and output format.

The GraphQL API only has few queries compared to whois, because the queries themselves are much more flexible. Particularly, the rpslObjects query is the most feature rich, allowing advanced and complex queries on RPSL data. This document walks through the various queries, explaining some basics of GraphQL along the way.


This documentation will highlight some of the basics of GraphQL that are the most relevant for writing IRRd queries. However, you are recommended to read the GraphQL introduction which has much more detail on general GraphQL features.

Database status query

The databaseStatus query returns the status of the various sources known to IRRd. It is defined in the schema:

type Query {
  databaseStatus(sources: [String!]): [DatabaseStatus]

This means it takes one argument, sources, which is a array of non-null strings - that is what the exclamation mark means. The array itself can be empty or null, which also means the argument is optional.

It returns an array of DatabaseStatus GraphQL objects, which are also defined in the schema:

type DatabaseStatus {
  source: String!
  authoritative: Boolean!
  objectClassFilter: [String!]
  rpkiRovFilter: Boolean!
  scopefilterEnabled: Boolean!
  localJournalKept: Boolean!
  serialOldestJournal: Int
  serialNewestJournal: Int
  serialLastExport: Int
  serialNewestMirror: Int
  lastUpdate: String
  synchronisedSerials: Boolean!

These are all the fields that can be queried, and their return types.

An example query that returns all current fields for all sources:

query {
  databaseStatus {

Which might return:

  "data": {
    "databaseStatus": [
        "source": "NTTCOM",
        "authoritative": false,
        "objectClassFilter": null,
        "rpkiRovFilter": true,
        "scopefilterEnabled": true,
        "localJournalKept": true,
        "serialOldestJournal": 1,
        "serialNewestJournal": 177881,
        "serialLastExport": null,
        "serialNewestMirror": 1228527,
        "lastUpdate": "2020-09-26T15:22:13.977916+00:00",
        "synchronisedSerials": false

You can also query for a specific source, or only certain fields:

query {
  databaseStatus(sources: "NTTCOM") {

Or a set of sources:

query {
  databaseStatus(sources: ["NTTCOM", "RIPE"]) {


In the schema, the sources argument is defined as [String!]: an array of strings, where the elements can not be null, but the list is allowed to be empty. This means the argument is optional. However, if you pass a single string instead, the API will accept this as well. This works for all array types, i.e. those defined with [...].

The fields have the following meaning:

  • source: the name of the source

  • authoritative: true if this source is authoritative in this IRRd instance, i.e. whether local changes are allowed. False if the source is mirrored from elsewhere.

  • objectClassFilter: may be a list of object classes that are ignored by this IRRd instance, when mirroring from a remote source.

  • rpkiRovFilter: whether RPKI validation is enabled for this source.

  • localJournalKept: whether this IRRd instance keeps a local journal of the changes in this source, allowing it to be mirrored over NRTM.

  • serialOldestJournal / serialNewestJournal: the oldest and newest serials in the local journal on this IRRd instance for this source. IRRd does not guarantee that all changes in this range are available over NRTM. This serial range is entirely independent of that used by the mirror source, if any.

  • serialLastExport: the serial at which the last export for this source took place, if any.

  • serialNewestMirror: the newest serial seen from a mirroring source, i.e. the local IRRd has updated up to this serial number from the mirror. This number can be compared to the serials reported by the mirror directly, to see whether IRRd is up to date. This number is independent from the range in the local journal.

  • lastUpdate: the time of the last change to this source. This may be an authoritative change, an update from a mirror, a re-import, a change in the RPKI status of an object, or something else.

  • synchronisedSerials: whether or not a mirrored source is running with synchronised serials.

ASN prefixes query

This query queries the prefixes originated by one or more ASNs. It’s analogous to the !g and !6 queries in whois.

The query is defined as:

type Query {
  asnPrefixes(asns: [ASN!]!, ipVersion: Int, sources: [String!]): [ASNPrefixes!]

It accepts three arguments:

  • asns: a not null and not empty array of ASN values, where each value must also be not null (hence the two exclamation marks).

  • ipVersion: a single integer, which is allowed to be null, and therefore can also be skipped. Valid values in IRRd are 4 or 6.

  • sources: an optional list of not null strings.

The return type is an array of ASNPrefixes objects, which is defined in the schema as:

type ASNPrefixes {
  asn: ASN!
  prefixes: [IP!]

Each returned object will have one asn, and a list of IP objects, which are not null, but the list may be empty.

This query will return all prefixes originated by each ASN in asns, filtered by ipVersion if provided, filtered by objects from only the sources in sources if provided.

An example query:

query {
  asnPrefixes(asns: [25152, 3557]) {

For which the result is:

  "data": {
    "asnPrefixes": [
        "asn": 25152,
        "prefixes": [
        "asn": 3557,
        "prefixes": [

As the result shows, you can send one GraphQL query and get the results for one or multiple ASNs, separated by ASN.

Recursive set members query

This query recursively resolves all members of an as-set or route-set to their prefixes or AS numbers. It’s analogous to !i in whois.

The GraphQL query definition is:

type Query {
    setNames: [String!]!
    depth: Int
    sources: [String!]
    excludeSets: [String!]
    sqlTrace: Boolean
  ): [SetMembers!]

The response type is:

type SetMembers {
  rpslPk: String!
  rootSource: String!
  members: [String!]

The query will recursively resolve all members of each name in setNames, and return the result for each resolved set separately. You can also limit the recursion depth, or exclude certain sets from consideration.

If there are multiple sets with the same name in different sources, this query will return each of them along with their members, with a different rootSource.

An example query:

query {
  recursiveSetMembers(setNames: ["RS-KROOT-LINX"]) {

This query has a new argument, sqlTrace, which is explained later on.

AS set prefixes query

This query first recursively resolves all members an as-set to AS numbers, and then returns the prefixes originated by all ASNs in the as-set. It’s basically a combination of recursiveSetMembers and asnPrefixes, and is faster than using these queries separately. It’s analogous to !a in whois.

The GraphQL query definition is:

type Query {
    setNames: [String!]!
    ipVersion: Int
    excludeSets: [String!]
    sources: [String!]
    sqlTrace: Boolean
  ): [AsSetPrefixes!]

This query is very similar to the ASN prefixes query, except that you provide one or more as-set names instead of ASNs.

The response type also looks very similar:

type AsSetPrefixes {
  rpslPk: String!
  prefixes: [IP!]

An example query:

query {
  asSetPrefixes(setNames: ["AS-AKAMAI"]) {

RPSL objects query

The rpslObjects query is the single query for RPSL objects. It’s very versatile, and replaces many whois queries. Unlike other queries, it also supports resolving related objects.

Making a query

The query is defined as follows:

type Query {
    person: [String!]
    adminC: [String!]
    mntBy: [String!]
    mpMembers: [String!]
    rpslPk: [String!]
    role: [String!]
    members: [String!]
    origin: [String!]
    mbrsByRef: [String!]
    objectClass: [String!]
    sources: [String!]
    zoneC: [String!]
    memberOf: [String!]
    techC: [String!]
    ipExact: IP
    ipLessSpecific: IP
    ipLessSpecificOneLevel: IP
    ipMoreSpecific: IP
    ipAny: IP
    asn: [ASN!]
    rpkiStatus: [RPKIStatus!]
    scopeFilterStatus: [ScopeFilterStatus!]
    textSearch: String
    recordLimit: Int
    sqlTrace: Boolean
  ): [RPSLObject!]

The arguments you can query for include all lookup attributes of RPSL objects in IRRd, like techC, mntBy or members. All arguments are optional, but you must include at least one. Most arguments directly translate to RPSL attributes. Note that not all objects have all attributes.

The other possible arguments for the query are:

  • rpslPk: filter on objects having one of these RPSL primary keys.

  • sources: filter on objects from one of these sources.

  • objectClass: filter on one of these RPSL object classes.

  • ip...: filter on exact match, less specific (including exact match), one level less specific, more specific, or any of those prefixes.

  • asn: filter on objects matching one of the provided ASNs.

  • rpkiStatus: filter on objects that have one of these RPKI validation statuses in the database. If omitted, the default is to filter on not_found and valid objects. Valid values are defined in the RPKIStatus enum in the schema.

  • scopeFilterStatus: filter on objects that have one of these scope filter statuses in the database. If omitted, the default is to filter on in_scope objects. Valid values are defined in the ScopeFilterStatus enum in the schema.

  • recordLimit: limits the query to return this many results. Related object query results (explained in detail later) do not count towards this limit.

Most arguments expect an array, and this is interpreted as an OR query. The separate arguments are joined as an AND query. For example, this query:

query {
    members: "AS65540",
    mntBy: ["EXAMPLE1-MNT", "EXAMPLE2-MNT"]
    objectClass: ["as-set"]
  ) {

is evaluated as objects where:

  • one of the members on the object matches AS65540, AND

  • one of the mnt-by’s on the object matches EXAMPLE1-MNT OR EXAMPLE2-MNT, AND

  • the object class of the object is as-set

Selecting fields of various RPSL objects

In the schema definition of rpslObject above, the query returns an array of RPSLObject. The schema definition of this object is:

interface RPSLObject {
  rpslPk: String
  objectClass: String
  objectText: String
  updated: String
  remarks: [String!]
  mntByObjs: [RPSLMntner!]
  mntBy: [String!]
  changed: [String!]
  notify: [String!]
  source: String
  journal: [RPSLJournalEntry]

This is a mix of attributes that are common to every RPSL object known to IRRd, like mntBy and notify, combined with metadata like the object class. objectText is the full plain RPSL text of the object. The mntByObjs and journal fields are explained later.

Note that many of these fields return an array. This applies to all fields that can occur multiple times, or contain multiple values. IRRd extracts the individual values automatically. For example, this value in an RPSL object:

mnt-by: DEMO1-MNT, DEMO2-MNT
mnt-by: DEMO3-MNT

Will appear in the query output as:

"mntBy": [

Class-specific fields

The example query in the last section queried for as-set objects. They have a members attribute. You’d expect to be able to query:

query {
    members: "AS65540",
    mntBy: ["EXAMPLE1-MNT", "EXAMPLE2-MNT"]
    objectClass: ["as-set"]
  ) {

However, this fails, with the following GraphQL error: “Cannot query field ‘members’ on type ‘RPSLObject’. Did you mean to use an inline fragment on ‘RPSLAsSet’, ‘RPSLRouteSet’, or ‘RPSLRtrSet’?”.


GraphQL makes a decent effort at trying to determine what you were trying to query for, including issues like field misspellings.

RPSLObject only contains the fields listed above, and not members. To query that, you need to inform GraphQL that you would like some fields from the RPSLAsSet object, using an inline fragment. For this particular example:

query {
    members: "AS65540",
    mntBy: ["EXAMPLE1-MNT", "EXAMPLE2-MNT"]
    objectClass: ["as-set"]
  ) {
    ... on RPSLAsSet {

Now as-set objects that the query returns, include a members attribute. Note that if you also expect RPSLRouteSet objects, that also have a members attribute, you need to specify them both:

query {
  rpslObjects(mntBy: "EXAMPLE1-MNT") {
    ... on RPSLAsSet {
    ... on RPSLRouteSet {

You can query a different set of fields from each type of object.

The RPSL... objects are all defined in the GraphQL schema, and there is one for each RPSL object class known to IRRd. You can see in the schema which fields each of them has. Other than RPSL attributes, some objects have fields like ipFirst, prefix or asn: they contain the extracted metadata from that object and the IPs and/or ASN it relates to. For example, on an RPSLRoute you can retrieve the origin field to get "AS64512", and the asn field to get 64512.

Journal queries

RPSLObject also has a field journal, which returns an array of RPSLJournal objects. This allows you to query the history of objects as seen in the local IRRd database. This is the same journal that is used for serving NRTM queries. This feature may be restricted by the IRRd instance administrator. An example:

query {
  rpslObjects(asn: 64512) {
    journal {

Might return:

  "data": {
        "rpslPk": "AS64512",
        "journal": [
            "origin": "mirror",
            "operation": "add_or_update",
            "serialNrtm": 48768744,
            "timestamp": "2020-09-16 10:31:29.524289+02:00"

This means one change was recorded. Note that the journal only contains what the local IRRd database has seen, so this is not a complete history.

RPSLJournalEntry has fewer fields than RPSLObject, because limited metadata is kept in the journal. Worth noting are the fields:

  • operation: either add_or_update or delete. This translates to the operations known in NRTM.

  • origin: the reason this change was recorded. Values include:

    • unknown: made before IRRd recorded the origin

    • mirror: received from a mirror by NRTM or a file import

    • synthetic_nrtm: generated through synthetic NRTM

    • pseudo_irr: generated from pseudo-IRR objects created for RPKI

    • auth_change: generated from an authoritative user-submitted change

    • rpki_status: generated because the RPKI status of the object changed

    • scope_filter: generated because the scopefilter status of the object changed

  • serialNrtm: the local serial of this change.

Custom types in IRRd

Most queries use the built-in GraphQL types, like String or Int. IRRd has a few custom types for specific purposes:

  • The ASN scalar. This is presented and validated as an integer, but GraphQL’s built-in Int type is 32-bit signed, and therefore not sufficient.

  • The IP scalar. This is presented as a string. When used in query arguments, the value is validated to be a valid IP address or prefix.

  • The enums RPKIStatus and ScopeFilterStatus for querying and returning these statuses on RPSL objects.


  • The fields you can query in rpslObjects only include fields IRRd knows about. For example, sponsoring-org is a RIPE-specific field, and not processed by IRRd. Therefore, you can’t query it as a field. It will be included in the objectText field.

  • You can run multiple queries in one request. The asnPrefixes, asSetPrefixes and recursiveSetMembers already support retrieving for multiple ASNs/sets in one query. However, you can send multiple queries of any type in one request, with different parameters, using aliases. This reduces latency.

  • Many queries will be based on user input. Composing a string to embed the query arguments is frowned upon in GraphQL. You can use variables to work with user input.

  • If you end up with repetition in your queries, you can use fragments to reuse the common parts.

SQL tracing

Several queries accept an optional sqlTrace argument. Setting this to true enables SQL tracing. This means that IRRd will record all SQL queries made during the execution of this query, and return them in the output. The main purpose is to allow debugging by IRRd developers, but there may be cases where it can help you understand how a GraphQL query is being executed.

SQL tracing has a significant performance impact, and increases the size of the result, so this should generally not be enabled.