================= Development setup ================= Development environment & unit tests ------------------------------------ This project uses poetry_. The basic method to set up a local environment is:: poetry install --no-root --with=dev,docs Poetry will make a virtualenv by default, details of which you can find in ``poetry env info``. The rest of this page assumes you are running commands inside ``poetry shell``. .. _poetry: https://python-poetry.org/ Some of the test use a live database for thoroughness. The database URL needs to be set in ``IRRD_DATABASE_URL``, e.g. for a local database, no authentication, database ``irrd_test``:: export IRRD_DATABASE_URL=postgresql:///irrd_test Some tests also require a running Redis instance, which needs to be set in ``IRRD_REDIS_URL``, e.g.:: export IRRD_REDIS_URL=redis://localhost/3 The tests will refuse to work on a database that already has tables. Note that setting this environment variable will also override the database for running IRRd itself. To run the tests with py.test, you can simply run:: pytest irrd If you'd also like to measure coverage and see missing lines, run it as:: pytest --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered --cov=irrd irrd If you're running the tests on Mac OS X, there is an issue where default temporary directories have names too long for GnuPG, causing a 5-second delay. To avoid this, use ``--basetemp`` to set an alternate temporary directory, e.g.:: pytest --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered --cov=irrd --basetemp=.tmpdirs/ irrd You may also want to add ``-v`` for more verbose output. Integration test ---------------- The integration test is not included when running ``pytest irrd``. To run the integration test, two databases need to be configured, e.g.:: export IRRD_DATABASE_URL_INTEGRATION_1=postgresql:///irrd_test1 export IRRD_DATABASE_URL_INTEGRATION_2=postgresql:///irrd_test2 You'll also need two different Redis databases. You can use the same instance with different database numbers, e.g.:: export IRRD_REDIS_URL_INTEGRATION_1=redis://localhost/4 export IRRD_REDIS_URL_INTEGRATION_2=redis://localhost/5 .. danger:: The integration test will wipe all contents of IRRd tables in the databases ``IRRD_DATABASE_URL_INTEGRATION_1`` and ``IRRD_DATABASE_URL_INTEGRATION_2``, along with both redis databases, without further checks or confirmation. The test can then be started with:: pytest --basetemp=.tmpdirs/ -s -vv irrd/integration_tests/run.py The `-s` parameter prevents `stdout` capture (i.e. shows stdout output in the console), which gives some information about the test setup to aid in debugging. This example also uses the temporary directory name fix for Mac OS X, as suggested for unit tests. The integration test will start two instances of IRRd, one mirroring off the other, and an email server that captures all mail. It will then run a series of updates and queries, verify the contents of mails, the state of the databases, mirroring, UTF-8 handling and run all basic types of queries. Code coverage is not measured for the integration test, as its purpose is not to test all paths, but rather verify that the most important paths are working end-to-end. Linting and formatting ---------------------- In addition to the tests, this project uses `mypy`, `ruff`, `isort` and `black` for style checking. Some are in a poe task for convenience. To run these, run:: mypy irrd poe lint # To run ruff with auto fix: poe ruff-fix Exclusions from checks ---------------------- Code can be excluded from code coverage, and can be excluded from checks by `mypy`. This should be done in rare cases, where the quality of the code would suffer otherwise, and for tests where the risks are small and the effort would be great. To ignore a line or block for test coverage, add ``# pragma: no cover`` to the end, and ``# type:ignore`` to ignore `mypy` errors. Docs ---- The documentation is written in reStructuredText, and an HTML version can be generated with:: cd docs make html open _build/html/index.html If you're new to the RST format, you may find the `quick reference`_ helpful. .. _quick reference: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html Making a release ---------------- To create a new packaged version of IRRD: * Create the new release notes and commit them in the main branch. * If this is a new minor release (x.y), update ``SECURITY.rst``. * If you are adding changes from main to an existing release branch, cherry-pick the changes from the main branch, at least including the release notes commit. Version updates of dependencies are not generally applied to the release branch, except in case of known important bugs or security issues. * Ensure the version is correct/updated in ``irrd/__init__.py`` and ``pyproject.toml``. * Commit the version change (in the existing release branch if there is one). * Tag the new release with git (`git tag v`), and push the tag (`git push origin v`). * Run ``poetry build`` * Your source archive and built distribution are now in ``dist/`` * Create a new release on GitHub * If this is not a pre-release, upload to PyPI with ``poetry publish`` * If this was a new minor release (x.y), create a new branch for it. For more background, a good start is the `Python packaging tutorial`_. .. _Python packaging tutorial: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/