DRAFT Release notes for IRRD 4.5.0


IRRD 4.5 adds support for NRTMv4, a new IRR mirroring protocol based on JSON-ish files over HTTPS. It is now the recommended method of mirroring to/from other databases. It is more reliable, secure, detects errors, has less opportunities for misconfiguration, and recovers automatically from loss of synchronisation.

A single IRRD instance can mix NRTMv3, NRTMv4 and authoritative databases, so gradual upgrades are possible. There are several new settings to enable NRTMv4. You will also need to be aware of key management. For all details, see the mirroring documentation.

New irt and organisation object classes

The irt and organisation object classes were added. This means that in authoritative databases, users can now create these objects, and IRRD will include these objects when mirroring other sources. By default, support for these classes is enabled. To restore the old behaviour, you can use the sources.{name}.object_class_filter setting, which now also applies to authoritative databases. You can query the templates using the -t whois query or see all supported classes in the GraphQL schema.

New Prometheus metrics

A Prometheus-compatible metrics page was added to the HTTP server in IRRD, on /metrics/. This page is only accessible to IPs configured in the access list set in the server.http.status_access_list setting.

Other changes

  • The sources.{name}.object_class_filter setting can now also be used to restrict permitted changes to authoritative objects.

  • The setting sources.{name}.authoritative_retain_last_modified was added to skip updating last-modified in authoritative databases, and retain the original value (if any) instead.

  • Deleted objects no longer have to meet all strict validation requirements. This makes it easier to delete objects created under a legacy IRRD that do not meet current validation requirements. Authentication requirements have not been changed.

  • The sources.{name}.nrtm_query_serial_days_limit setting was added to limit the age of the oldest serial that can be requested over NRTMv3.

  • The irrd_update_database command now starts counting serials from the serial provided to a previous irrd_load_database.

  • The combination of readonly_standby and sources.{name}.export_destination is explicitly invalid in the configuration.

  • The sources.{name}.authoritative_non_strict_mode_dangerous setting was added, to force an authoritative database into non-strict mode. As it’s name notes, this disables many checks and all referential integrity and is therefore strongly discouraged.